Thursday, February 3, 2011


Reading/Writing: We began a poetry unit and students are reading and writing various types of poems. All of their efforts will culminate in a published, hard-bound book.
Students earned the opportunity to watch the movie, Shiloh on Friday. They are excited to compare the book they read to the movie.

Book Report: All mystery book reports should have been turned in by Friday. We will be sharing them next week.

Spelling: The unit this week focused on multi-syllabic words. Students learned the rules for dividing words into syllables. Each Monday, students receive a spelling packet to practice the spelling concepts throughout the week. Remind your child to also log onto to practice their words for the week. You can also access that site through my teacher blog.

Vocabulary: Our new vocabulary words come from our poetry unit: stanza, rhyme, rhythm, accent, metaphor, similie, poem.
The test will be next Friday.

Saxon Math concepts this week: Review of 2 and 3-digit multiplication and division, decimals, converting fractions to percentages. Please encourage your child to correct math homework errors. Students have the opportunity to earn a ½ point for every error corrected on math homework. This is their responsibility. I do not “nag” them to turn it back in. Students know that by correcting errors, they can significantly impact their grade.

Science: This week students should have all their data collected from their experiment. They were to analyze their data and figure out a way to present that data on their display board, perhaps with a chart or graph. Students should also have their conclusion written. The next steps will be to write up the 250 word abstract and create the display board. The science project is due Thursday, Feb. 17th. The projects will be judged on Friday, Feb. 18th.

Counseling: Mrs. Russell worked on anger management with our class this week.


Valentine Celebration: We will have a valentine celebration on Monday, Feb. 14th. Students should decorate a valentine box and bring it to school by Friday, Feb. 11th. Students will be given a class roster so they may address their Valentine cards.
If you can send in any snacks, treats or drinks for our celebration, we would be most grateful.

Love of Reading: Love of reading week is Feb. 7-11. We have a lot planned for that week. We will have guest readers, a pajama day, a poetry day, and other fun activities.

Mid-Quarter Grades: Mid-quarter ends February 4th. Progress reports will come home Feb. 7th. If your child has a low grade in a subject, remind him/her to turn in any missing assignments, use the assignment planner on a daily basis, and be an active participant in class. He/she can improve grades by being a conscientious student.

Detention: Please remember your child will have after school detention for missing homework assignments, late classroom assignments, or long-term class or homework assignments. Your child will notify you that day if they must stay after school. Detention takes place from 3:30-4:30.

Blog: If by chance your child does not bring home the classroom newsletter on Friday, check my teacher blog to stay up to date with classroom information. Go to the LPA website (, click on teachers, then on central campus, click on Mrs. Denny and then onto blogspot.

Reminder: Please allow your child to remain in class until 3:15 each day. At the end of the day we are summarizing learning, discussing homework, writing in planners and answering questions. It is very beneficial for your child to be in class during this time.

4- Mid-Quarter ends
Character Lunch
Character Movie

7-Mid-Quarter grades

7- Love of Reading Week Begins

14- Dentist

16- End of cookie dough fundraiser

17- Science Fair Project Sign-In

18- Science Fair Judging

18- 5-8 Grade Dance

24-27- Rodeo Break. No School
**Talent Show Auditions in Feb.

Science Fair Deadlines:

2/4- Conclusion Due

2/11- Written Abstract Due

2/17- Final Display Board Due

2/18- LPA Science Fair Judging

* Note: the data analysis due date was removed. It will be done in the abstract.


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