Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Well AIMS week is officially over. I am very proud of the class for taking the test seriously and putting forth their best effort. Thank you for getting your child school on time each day!

Next week we will get back to our normal academic schedule. We will resume math lessons, independent reading and filling out reading logs each evening. Spelling and vocabulary words will continue after Spring Break. Our big focus will be on social studies and science these last 5 1/2 weeks of school.

Progress Reports will be coming home next Wednesday...please remind your child to stay "on the ball" for the remaining weeks of school. We will be very busy!
Please also remind your child to dress according to the LPA dress code policy each day. Many students are coming to school without a belt, shorts that are too short, and shirts that do not fit properly. If you have questions regarding the dress code, please consult your handbook.

In Science this week, students learned about Tsunamis, the solar system and what an owl eats. Ask your child about dissecting owl pellets...it's fascinating!
We will continue learning about the solar system through the end of the year. Students will complete a final power point presentation on an assigned planet to share with the class.

Don’t forget…Spring Break is April 21-25. I wish you all a very relaxing break and look forward to getting back to 5th grade learning on Tuesday, April 26th.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Classroom News: April 8, 2011 AIMS TESTING NEXT WEEK

Reading/Writing: We continue to read short stories. Our goal this week was to “read between the lines” and make inferences.

This week in writing, students were instructed in how to improve their rough drafts. Students wrote a narrative and then applied revising and editing techniques to make their writing clear and interesting.

Next week students will begin brainstorming their own creative mixed-up animal stories.

Spelling: The spelling goal this week was to identify spelling errors. Students were tested on commonly misspelled words.
Vocabulary: Students took their vocabulary quiz last week, so new words will not be introduced until after the AIMS test.

Saxon Math concepts this week: Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions, converting fractions, decimals and percents, and area and perimeter. Students also continued to learn about Euler graphs.

AIMS Prep: We have been reviewing concepts each day in preparation for the AIMS test next week.

S.S./Counseling: Mrs. Russell taught students some relaxation techniques to think about before testing next week. She then played a game with students to practice testing strategies.

Science: Next week we will begin our unit on the solar system.


AIMS Testing: Students will take the AIMS test next week. Please make sure your child is at school every day and on time. We will begin testing first thing in the morning. In order to be successful, students need to get enough sleep during testing week, and they should eat healthy food to keep their brains fueled.
There will be no homework during testing week except for missing, late or absent make-up work.

Reminder: Students with late work must attend detention. I remind them weekly that late and missing work negatively impacts their overall grade. We should all strive to be the best we can be! Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless it is a weekly assignment or a long-term assignment. Students are still required to read each evening and fill in their reading log.

Dress Code: Students need to come to school each day in the proper attire. Some students are wearing alternative colors under their red, white or blue shirt. Only the aforementioned colors are allowed. As the year has progressed, many students have grown and hence, outgrown their uniform clothes. Please make sure your child’s shirts and shorts/pants still fit. Girls’ shirts must be long enough to be tucked in and shorts and pants need to be loose enough for the shirts to be tucked in. Boy’ shirts should not be so long that it is difficult to tuck them in.

8- Character Lunch
8- Spin Meeting/Bingo Night
11-15- Aims Testing
15- Glow Ball Event
16- Annual Golf Tournament
18-22- Penny War Week
20- Jump Rope for Heart
20- End of Coupon Book Sales
20- Spirit Week Begins
21-25- Easter Break
29- Last Student Council Dance

3-7 Teacher Appreciation
12 Field Day
10-14 Book Fair
14 Breakfast with principal
26 Yearbook Signing
28 Last Day of School

Monday, April 4, 2011


Reading/Writing: We are reading short stories and determining the author’s purpose: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, etc.

Students have been sharing their train stories with the class, and next week they will give their oral book report to the class. Your child has been assigned a specific date to deliver his/her oral report next week.

A concept introduced in writing this week was persuasion. Some persuasive techniques discussed included peer pressure, loaded words, repetition, and band wagon.
Students will be using those techniques in their own writing.

Spelling: Our unit this week focused on words with Greek and Latin roots.

Saxon Math concepts this week: Finding the greatest common factor in order to reduce fractions, finding the least common multiple in order to add and subtract fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions, converting fractions, decimals and percents, and area and perimeter.

AIMS Prep: We have been reviewing concepts each day in preparation for the AIMS test.

S.S./Counseling: Mrs. Russell was absent this week. Next week she will work with students on testing strategies.

Science: Our upcoming unit will be “out of this world.” We will begin exploring the solar system.

AIMS Testing: Students will take the AIMS test the week of April 11th. Please make sure your child is at school every day and on time. We will begin testing first thing in the morning. In order to be successful, students need to get enough sleep during testing week, and they should eat healthy food to keep their brains fueled.
There will be no homework during testing week except for missing, late or absent make-up work.

Missing Book:
One of the public library books on poetry is missing. We will have to pay for it with our classroom funds 
Could you please check your child’s room to see if the book The Wishing Bone by Stephen Mitchell is possibly there? I really do not want to spend our classroom money on a lost book. Thank you!

Can You Help?
We are still in desperate need of more kleenex, markers and colored pencils.

Dress Code: Students need to come to school each day in the proper attire. Thank you for encouraging your child to wear a belt each day…that always seems to be a battle.
As the year has progressed, many students have grown and hence, outgrown their uniform clothes. Please make sure your child’s shirts and shorts/pants still fit. Girls’ shirts must be long enough to be tucked in and shorts and pants need to be loose enough for the shirts to be tucked in. Boy’ shirts should not be so long that it is difficult to tuck them in.

1-Talent Show winners perform
6-Duds for dollars: $1.00 dress down day
8- SPIN Night/Bingo 5:30-6:30
11-15- Aims Testing
15- Glow Ball
16- Golf Tournament
18- Penny War Week Begins
20- Jump Rope for Heart
21, 22, 25-Easter Break
26- Student Council Dance

2-6 Teacher Appreciation Week
and Book Fair

6- Mother/Daughter Event
13-Character Winner Movie
25- Last Day of School