Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept 18, 2009

News From Mrs. Denny’s Class
September 18, 2009

Newsworthy News

25- Boston Market Fundraiser
4 p.m. to close

2- Pancake breakfast with the principal

2- Character Lunch

2- Bingo Night

7- Dress Down Day for $1.00

8- 40th Day of School

9- Report cards home. Half day with no lunch or after-school activities.

12 &13- Harvest Break. No School.

13- Skate Country Night

22- Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser

30- Harvest Carnival at Lakeside

Curriculum News

Students should have been studying their subtraction facts this week. They were tested on those facts on Friday.

We continue to work on our math concepts. Subtracting larger numbers with borrowing continues to be a focus. We are also working on solving mathematical story problems.

We continue to write about the City of Ember. Students are working on including specific details when they write their reactions to the reading.

In social studies, students are working on “painting a picture” for their reader in their immigrant story. They will complete their final copy in the next few days.

We have continued discussing the scientific method in science. We will investigate different inventions as well as inventors. Students were assigned a specific inventor to research and will write a research report to share with the class.
We also conducted our first experiment on Friday using chewing gum!

We’ve been playing some spelling games in class to help students master their weekly spelling words before the Friday test. Please encourage your child to study at home as well.

Mr Diaz, our counselor, visited again on Thursday. He worked with the students on citizenship.

News For Parents

Conferences: Thank you to all who returned the signature page of your child’s progress report! I am still waiting for a few more. For those requesting a conference, I will make appointments on Oct. 7, 9 and 14th. I will send home a notice the first week in October for you to select your day and time.

Independent Reading: Please help your child remember to read each evening (at least 20 minutes) and get their independent reading calendar signed by an adult. This assignment is a nightly homework assignment. Students will be counting up how many minutes they read each month and graphing their progress at the end of every month. Students know that any adult who saw them read for the day can sign their reading calendar.

Monday, September 14, 2009

News From Mrs. Denny’s Class
September 11, 2009

11-Mid-quarter ends

11-Hero Night at Lakeside

14-Dentist on Campus

2-Pancake breakfast with principal

2-Bingo Night

7-Dress Down Day

8- 40th Day of School!

9- ½ day. No lunch or after school
report cards home

12&13- Harvest Break

13- Skate Country Night 6-8 pm

CONGRATULATIONS to Reanna Ruiz and Joel Gonzalez for being selected to represent our class in student council!

Students took their 2nd unit test in Math. We are still practicing multiplication facts and will focus on subtraction facts as well.

Students also had a vocabulary quiz and social studies test this Friday. Students will always be given advanced notice of a quiz or test. This week they were to be studying from their vocabulary and social studies spiral notebooks in preparation for the tests.

In writing, we are learning how to write descriptive paragraphs. Students are being guided in “painting a picture” for their reader.

Mr. Diaz came to our room this Thursday. He focused on trustworthiness, fairness, and responsibility

Students are excited about science! We are learning about the scientific method and have started creating a science flip book complete with definitions and illustrations to demonstrate their understanding of the scientific method.

On Thursday we had a wonderful and informative demonstration from the S.W.A.T. team. Ask your child to tell you what we learned about.

Progress Reports: Today your child is bringing home his/her progress report. Please sign the attached form and return it with your child on Monday.
Please keep in mind that we have only been in school for one month, and I am still getting to know your child’s strengths and weaknesses. The progress report reflects any areas that your child could improve upon before the end of the quarter (Oct. 9). I did not mark any subject areas if your child is making adequate progress in that area.

*Due to late work and the numerous absences requiring make up work, many students need to only turn in their work for improvement to be shown.
*Progress reports will take the place of the weekly student report for this week.

Responsibility: Now that the students are in 5th grade, I have been talking with them about being responsible for their work. Many students will finish an in- class assignment and never hand it in, or will complete an assignment in the wrong notebook or never bring back a homework assignment. They know that this greatly impacts their grade. Receiving an “F” in a subject due to missing assignments or not following instructions is definitely avoidable.
I have told the students that school is their job- just like we as adults have jobs. They need to take responsibility for their own work.

Absences: We have had a lot of absences in our room. I am encouraging hand washing and sanitizing in the classroom. If your child is healthy, please send them to school each day. Learning can be very disjointed for students when they continually miss school days.
Students have one day for every day they are absence to make up work. I will not continually ask them for their work. It is their job to complete the missed assignments and turn them into me in a timely manner. I would appreciate your encouragement at home.

This & That: Please take time to read the school newspaper “The Link,” which should come home every Monday. Look for it in your child’s homework folder.
Also please don’t forget to ask your child for our classroom newsletter which comes home every Friday during the 1st Quarter.

Health regulations prevent us from distributing any snacks or birthday treats that are NOT store bought. If you want to send in a treat for a special celebration, please adhere to this regulation. Thank you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

News From Mrs. Denny’s Class
September 4, 2009

2- Dress Down Day for $1.00

4- Movie Night “Coraline”

7- No School. Labor Day

9- Entertainment Book Sale Ends

11- Hero’s Night at LPA Lakeside

Homework: As I mentioned previously, students will have math, a spelling packet (due at the end of the week) and independent reading for homework each evening. Occasionally students will need to complete something we started in class for homework as well.
This week we had an in-class spelling assignment that was to be finished at home Tuesday evening. Many students did not return the spelling assignment on Wednesday.
We discussed the importance of using their planners to record assignments and then checking that planner each night to remind them of what to do. Please allow your child at least an hour each evening to complete their homework in a quiet place. They know that when an assignment is late, points are taken off which results in a lower grade.

Students are working on memorizing their multiplication facts (0-12s). They had their first test on Friday. We will also begin working on division facts. I will mix in subtraction facts along the way as most students do not have those mastered yet.

Students should be practicing their spelling words at home by completing their spelling packet. I have also asked them to have someone at home quiz them on their words so they will “ace” their spelling test on Fridays. They can also use the computer to practice their words. A great web site is Students type in their words and then can play word games or can be quizzed on their words.
There will be no spelling list next week due to a shortened week. We will however focus on our new vocabulary words: prejudice, ethnic custom, equation, geometry, and scientific method.

We are really enjoying the City of Ember. We are continuing to learn reading and writing strategies using this literature book. This week we have written literature responses and discussed character traits and setting.

In Social Studies, we discussed immigration and learned about what it was like to be an immigrant coming to America long ago.

Mr. Diaz, our school counselor, visited us on Thursday. His lesson focused on respect, responsibility and caring.

We surveyed our Science text this week and we will discuss the scientific method next week. Students will write out the scientific steps and draw pictures to illustrate the scientific method. We are looking forward to some upcoming experiments.

Blog: I am pleased to announce that you can now read our classroom newsletter electronically. Each week I will place the newsletter on my teacher blog. You will find the blog by visiting the La Paloma Academy web site at ( Click on “Mrs. Denny 5th Grade.” From my teacher home page, you will find a link to the blog. I will continue to send home a hard copy as well.

School Policy: Please familiarize yourself with the school policy on intentional and non-accidental injuries. As a school, we are required by law to report any injuries occurring from physical contact to the authorities (Tucson Police). If the injuries occur between siblings, we are required by law to report the incident to CPS. Mr. Rubasch will be elaborating on this policy in the LPA Link that comes home on Mondays.

Incentives: For those of you who volunteered to send in treats for incentives, I would love for you to send in anything store bought. Packages of gummy bears, candy, or small treat bags are some ideas. We are also in need of fun little prizes to add to the prize box that students can purchase with Denny Bucks that they have earned. Many prizes can come from the dollar store. Some ideas might be fun pens or pencils, small games or puzzles, stickers, small supplies to use in the classroom, etc.

Parent Volunteers: Thank you for getting your fingerprints done at Open House. So far, we have one parent that has been cleared to volunteer. If you plan to volunteer at the school, all you need to do is fill out the paperwork and sign up to get fingerprinted. If you plan to chaperone on field trips, you will need to get a fingerprint clearance card through the Tucson Police Dept. The police department does their own fingerprinting and background checks for a fee. Thank you for all you do to be involved.

Student Weekly Report: On Fridays, students will fill out a weekly report to let you know how their week was in school. Listed on this report will be any assignments turned in late for the week, as well as any assignments that were not turned in at all. Please discuss the report with your child, sign it and have your child return it on Monday. There is a place for you to add any comments if you wish. Thank you for taking the time to read and discuss the Weekly Report.