Friday, December 10, 2010

What We're Learning:

Spelling: Words with prefixes

Vocabulary: Types of sentences: declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, and imperative. Other words we are learning are evaporation, condensation, fragment and run-on. Test will be next Friday.

Math: Two-step problems, fractions and percents, averaging.

Reading/S.S.: Students are reading and researching facts about one particular state. They will be putting together an ABC book about that state. Your child should have shown you the guidelines for the state project this week. If you have not yet signed the state packet guidelines, please ask your child about it.

Writing: Students are learning about the different purposes for writing. We are now focusing on informational writing. Students will be writing their ABC book for the next 2 weeks. Their final copy will be due the week we return from holiday break.

Science: Solids, liquids,gases and different states of matter. You might find your little scientist creating carbon dioxide gas with vinegar and baking soda 

Mrs. Russell (our counselor): Responsibility and consequences for poor choices.

Parent Notes:
Many thanks to the families of Alex Phillips, Johnathan Martinez and Issac Martinez for providing cooked turkeys for our Thanksgiving Feast! The food was great and we had a grand time! We are thankful for family!

Holiday Music Program: Please join us on Wed. 12/15 from 9:15-10:30 at Grace to the Nations Church to hear LPA students sing wonderful seasonal music.
*Please help your child dress appropriately that day. Our class is to wear jeans and a red shirt. Students can wear western accessories as well (cowboy boots, bandana, western belt, etc.)

End of Quarter: The last day of the quarter is Dec. 17th. Students must have all assignments completed by Monday, Dec. 13th in order to count for this quarter’s grades. Please encourage your child to make up any late assignments.

Canned Food Drive: LPA is having a canned food drive for families in need. If you can send in any cans with your child it would be greatly appreciated. We are trying to beat the other classes by collecting the most cans. 

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