Monday, November 15, 2010


Thanksgiving Feast: This year La Paloma students will give thanks and participate in a Thanksgiving Feast on November 23rd. We can only do this with YOUR help.
The 3rd, 5th and 6th grade classes are responsible for providing cooked turkeys for the feast.

*We are asking that each student bring in $1.00 to contribute toward the turkeys.

* I need 2 parents who will volunteer to purchase the turkeys (with the donated money), cook the turkeys, and bring them to school the morning of November 23.

*If you would like to purchase, cook, and donate a turkey (20 lbs), we would be most thankful for your help as well!

Please let me know by Friday, Nov. 19th if you can help in any way.

Holiday Program: We have started practicing for our school holiday concert. The students are excited about our song for the show. We hope to have the concert on Wed., December 15th at Grace Church.
The students will be singing The 12 Days of Christmas…Arizona style. For our performance, we are in need of 12 poster boards (22”x 28”). Please help by donating a poster board so students can create a pictoral graphic to accompany the song.

Progress Reports: Mid-quarter reports will go home on Monday. Please discuss these mid-quarter grades and help your child set some goals for the rest of the quarter. Please sign the report and return it to school by Friday, Nov. 19th.

November Dates:
11-Veteran’s Day – No School

12- End of Mid-Quarter

15- Progress Reports Home

16- BMX Show

16- Skate Night 6-8 pm.

23- Thanksgiving Feast

24-26 No School. Thanksgiving Break

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