Friday, October 29, 2010

Classroom News
October 29, 2010

Math: Students received their math test grades from last week…there were about 10 As, 2 Bs and 10 Cs and 2 Ds. Students are still working on geometry (polygons), fractions, division and problem solving. Students should continue to practice math facts at home.

S.S: This week is Drug Awareness Week. Students read an informational article about drugs, designed posters, and wrote about the topic. We have had some very informative discussions about the difference between legal and illegal drugs and the consequences of drug abuse.

Science: Students are excited about chemistry! They are learning about matter, atoms, molecules and elements. They even made their own molecules using gumdrops and toothpicks.

Reading: Students read some fables, myths and tall tales this week. They are analyzing the story elements in preparation for writing their own tale.

Writing: This week students wrote a story, personal narrative or poem with the message, “Say No to Drugs” to enter into a school-wide writing contest.

Spelling: The spelling unit this week focused on the Midwestern States. Students are doing a good job learning the spelling and location of the states in our nation. Some websites to practice the states are listed below:

Next week’s words come from the Southern Region of the U.S:
Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida.

Mrs. Russell has been working hard with students on goal setting, and will also be doing some team building activities.

Notes to Parents:

Harvest Fest this Friday: Thank you to those who donated candy to use for our Ring Toss booth. We are still in need of volunteers, so if you’re at the Harvest Fest and want to come by to help, please sign up!

Thank you also for allowing your child to bring treats and snacks for our own little “fall” party we had in the classroom on Friday afternoon.

Fieldtrip: We will be going to Sabino Canyon on Tuesday, 11/2. Students should bring a sack lunch and drink and wear tennis shoes.

Reminder: Now that the weather is turning cooler, please remind your child of the school dress code policy.
*Sweaters, sweatshirts and jackets must be of solid color (red, white or navy) without any emblems or writing.

*Undershirts may be worn under the polo shirt, but must adhere to the school colors and cannot be larger than the polo shirt.

Newsworthy Notes:
29- Harvest Fest 6-8 pm.

3- Duds for $1.00 Dress Down

5- Bingo Night.

5- Character Lunch for respect

11-Veteran’s Day – No School

16- Skate Country Night

16- BMX Bike Show

23- Thanksgiving Feast

24-26-No School. Thanksgiving Break

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