Sunday, October 3, 2010

Classroom News

OCTOBER 1, 2010

Curriculum News:
Math: Division facts were the focus again this week. Students are learning about factors, products and fractions, and long division in Saxon math.

Reading: We are almost finished with the City of Ember. Students are trying to earn a marble jar party to possibly watch the City of Ember movie. Of course, we will compare and contrast the two forms of the story.

Writing: Students are learning the various reasons for writing. Persuasive writing will be our focus this next week.

Vocabulary words to study for next week:
illegible, egress, ingress, impact, immense, threshold, bewilderment, audacious

Science: Students have been very enthusiastic about their inventor reports. We have learned how to write an introductory paragraph, supporting paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. We also practiced documenting sources used for their research. These reports are due next Wednesday, Oct. 6. We have spent time in class writing, but students need to finalize their final product at home.
I would like the students to get an adult to read over their rough draft before writing the final copy. Students received a rubric delineating the report expectations.

S.S.: Mrs. Russell was in this week conducting a sportsmanship lesson.

Our October character trait is respect. Mrs. Russell and I will both be conducting lessons on being courteous and polite, and treating others the way you want to be treated regardless of race, religion, gender, or physical infirmity.

Notes to Parents:
Treat Box and Prize Box: For those of you who volunteered to help supply these incentive boxes in our classroom, I would love for you to send in any treats or prizes to reward the students with. Thank you to those who have already sent in some items!
Treats can be small pieces of candy, lollipops, gummies, etc.
Prizes can be any small toys, small non-fiction books, sharpie markers, tape, small (individual) Kleenex packages, personal sanitizer bottles, hair ties, bracelets, stickers, special markers, etc.

I bought some great prizes at a garage sale last week. The students were excited to see new prizes in the box.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!

Field Trips: 5th Grade is planning some educational fieldtrips for this year. We plan to visit Sabino Canyon in November, and coordinate another fieldtrip later in the spring. Be on the look out…more details to follow!

Newsletters: Please note that the classroom newsletter is also available on my classroom blog. You may access the blog through the LPA website:

Art: Just a reminder that the art teacher, Mrs. Molina, would like the students to bring in newspaper and an old painting shirt for use during her paint lessons.

Report Cards: Just a reminder that report cards will come home on Wednesday, Oct. 13th. All late work needs to be in by Friday, Oct. 8th.

Important Dates:
1-Movie Night

6-Dud for Dollars (Dress down for $1.00)

7-40th Day: Special Snacks. Free Dress Down Day!

8-Character Lunch: Alyssa Gonzales


13-Report Cards. ½ Day. No Lunch or After School

13-Cookie Fundraiser Ends

13-Grandparents Day

14 & 15-Fall Break. No School

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