Friday, January 29, 2010

News from Mrs. Denny’s Class
January 29, 2010

Newsworthy News
3- $1.00 Dress down day
5- Mid Quarter ends
Character Lunch
Bingo Night
15- Love of Reading Week Begins
17- Science Fair Sign-In
18- Skate Night
19- Science Fair Judging
22- Dentist
24- Grandparents Day
25&26- Rodeo Break. No School

**Talent Show Auditions in Feb.

Science Fair Deadlines:
1/29- Experiment Completed

2/5- Raw and Analyzed Data Due

2/8- Conclusion Due

2/12- Optional Written Report

2/17- Final Display Board Due

2/19- LPA Science Fair Judging

Reading/Writing: Students are reading their literature books, Number the Stars and Snow Treasure. They are making connections and writing about them in their literature logs.

Book Report: The genre for our next book report is science fiction or adventure. These books are to be read independently with a final book report due on February 24th. I have loaned some public library books to students with the caution that they do not lose them because they will have to pay for them.

Spelling: The unit this week focused on words with suffixes. We discussed base words and suffix meanings. We also investigated spelling rules related to the words.

Saxon Math concepts this week: 2 and 3-digit multiplication, division with multiples of 10, fractions and mathematical vocabulary.

Please encourage your child to correct math homework errors. They have the opportunity to earn a ½ point for every error corrected on math homework. This is their responsibility. I do not “nag” them to turn it back in. Students know that by correcting errors, they can significantly impact their grade.

Science: Students should have conducted their experiments at home this week. This next week they will need to analyze their data and figure out a way to present that data on their display board, perhaps with a chart or graph. The completed project and display board are due Wed., Feb. 17th. You many pre-order the display board for $5.00 at the front office. The deadline to order is Friday 1/29, but you still may be able to turn in your money/form Monday morning.

S.S.- Students are learning a bit about the Scandinavian countries, geography, courage and World War II through their in-class literature books.

Counseling: We have a new in-school counselor who has replaced Mr. Diaz since he moved to Colorado. Mrs. Russell will be working with the class on Thursdays. We are excited to have her.

Parent Information:
Blog: Please remember that you can always check my teacher blog to stay up to date with classroom information. Go to the LPA website (, click on central campus, click on Mrs. Denny and then onto blogspot.

Fieldtrip: Our trip to Sabino Canyon was amazing! The weather was great, the water was flowing, and we learned a lot. Thank you to Mrs. Cosby, Mrs. Wainwright, Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Templeton for chaperoning our field trip.

After School Pick-Up: Please schedule any appointments for your child after 3:30 if possible. There have been many disruptions at the end of our day with students leaving class between 2:45 and 3:15. Each time I have to answer the phone and prepare a child to leave early is valuable time I am taking away from the whole class. At the end of the day we are summarizing learning, discussing homework, writing in planners and answering questions. It is very beneficial for your child to be in class during this time.

Detention: Please remember your child will have after school detention for missing homework assignments, late classroom assignments, or long-term class or homework assignments. Your child will notify you that day if they must stay after school. Detention takes place from 3:30-4:30.

Science Fair: We are getting closer to the final science fair deadline. Your child should have conducted their experiment by now and should have finished collecting data. There is still time to re-test if results seem a bit skewed.

Love of Reading: Love of reading week is Feb. 15-19. If you are interested in reading a favorite book, sharing some favorite poetry, or sharing some excerpts with our class during this week, please contact me. We would love to have you!

Marble Jar Party: The class was excited to earn a marble party. They must work collectively to earn marbles for such things as attendance, behavior, good manners/character, etc. They voted to wear PJs to school and watch a movie at the end of the day on Friday. Thank you to those who allowed your child to bring in snacks to share during the movie.

Mid-Quarter: Now is the time to encourage your child to work hard to keep up with their grades. Mid-quarter ends February 5th. Progress reports will come home Feb. 8th.


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